The film invites the viewer to reflect

The very visible work of thought that keeps the viewer in suspense from the beginning to the end of the tape, the very search for a solution, the choice of an option, the path along which agriculture is best to move, is in front of us throughout the film. In essence, the film involves us in the most important problems of agricultural management — it involves us subtly, subtly, showing us the enormous importance of these problems, and, in the end, captures our attention firmly and seriously. And as the most entertaining intrigue, we are already concerned about the fate of the Belgorod experience: what solution, what way out will the specialists offer?

N. A. Surkov thinks out loud:

— Of course, we are concerned about this issue, and therefore the birth of associations is a need for other farms... We have recently created another association — this is the association for the production of broilers, the collective farm "Country of Soviets".

It is clear that Belgorod residents believe that the path they have chosen will eventually lead them to the desired goal. But to the credit of the authors of the "Collective Farm of collective Farms", the film does not give final, as a verdict, assessments — to be only this way and in no case any other way! The film, as it were, invites the viewer to reflect on this or that decision, suggests, in the words of the poet, to look to get to the bottom of it. And it is no coincidence that another address appears in the picture: Nikopolitsina, another option is the addition of forces and financial capabilities in the field of consumption. We need to realize what we have earned, we need to turn collective farm profits into a stadium, a hospital, a club. After all, the collective farm does not live and work for millions in a bank account and not only to fulfill plans — its collective work is done for the sake of a better life.

And in Nikopol, the author of the film tells us, lives Vladimir Ivanovich Ostapchenko, a brave and lucky tankman in the war, now the first secretary of the Nikopol district party committee. Ostapchenko's reasoning is as follows: in order to increase production efficiency, not only good machines are needed, not only progressive labor organization and perfect technology. It is necessary to create a high social standard of living — this is ultimately the most important thing. Take, for example, the problem of medical care. Is it possible to put things in a modern way in ten small hospitals? No, you can't. But together, collective farms can raise what one farm cannot: create a first-class medical center. This is a hospital with the most advanced equipment, a ninety—apartment building for doctors, these are medical centers in almost every locality, from where, if necessary, ambulances will immediately deliver a person to inpatient treatment...

A medical center, a sports complex with a wonderful sports club building, an excellent football field — all this is there. A special Nikopol contribution to the all-Union piggy bank of experience, the film concludes, should be considered a rule: to build in such a way that life was equal — whether on a distant farm or in a large village. And not just a salary, but the sum of life's benefits!

Unfortunately, in this part of the film, the authors were very hasty in their search for a figurative approach to the topic. Hence, perhaps, the well-known stylistic monotony in the construction of the film and sometimes some monotony in the presentation.

Fortunately, these miscalculations do not reduce interest in a sensible, intelligent and deep conversation about one of the most important problems of our village today, which is being conducted in the picture.

The film showed the present day of our agriculture — the implementation of an idea that is already buzzing with electric motors, gives real grain, meat, fleece. There are already six thousand specialized associations operating in the country. As the Central Committee of the party emphasized in a special resolution, "this is a qualitatively new stage of the cooperative plan."

The film asserts its main idea in the last frames: the collective farm is not only for the village, no. This is a stage in the life of society.

The society is industrial, the country of cities cannot be adequately supplied by grandfather's technology. So, we need to look for something new, something that the characters of the film are engaged in — each in their own way. They understand: we will overcome a steep step — and the seventies will remain an unforgettable time in the history of the Soviet village, a vital stage. Обзор казино JetTon в жетон казино в Telegram
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